Will County SUI News Feed

WILL Grow project teaches Gompers students link between gardening, healthy eating - Oct. 10, 2014

Nina Campbell 0 5351

JOLIET – Learning isn’t always done neatly at a desk with books and papers. Sometimes learning happens with soil, sun, water, and by getting dirty hands.

Just ask the students in the Life Skills and ABC classes at Gompers Junior High. Thanks to collaboration between Will County, the Regional Office of Education, District 86, and Gompers which created the initial We WILL Grow School and Community Garden Project, they now know the answer.

Will County contest to award refurbished iPad2s to non-profit groups - Sept. 26, 2014

Nina Campbell 0 4372

JOLIET – Part of a non-profit organization that could use a pair of refurbished iPad2s?

Will County will award two non-profit groups who show off their “green” a set of the electronic tablets.

Applications are due Nov. 1, and winners will be announced on America Recycles Day, Nov. 15. They will be chosen by a scoring system that includes points for intended uses and for current green practices.

Mobile Workforce Center’s October schedule announced - Sept. 19, 2014

Nina Campbell 0 4377

The Mobile Workforce Center’s October schedule has been announced by the Workforce Services Division of Will County.

The mobile unit travels throughout Will County to help residents with resume development, cover letters and job applications. The workforce center contains 11 computer stations, internet access, and offers keyboarding lessons, as well as resume and job search assistance using online listings including jobs4people.org and Illinois workNet.
