The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has passed a set of regulations to improve water quality by reducing nonpoint source pollution carried in urban stormwater. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II regulations apply to county, municipalities and other official organizations within classified urban boundaries. Will County is required to apply for an NPDES Phase II permit. The EPA requires the permit to include plans addressing the six minimum pollution control measures listed below.
1. Public education and outreach: Develop educational programs to inform the public about the impacts of stormwater discharges on local water bodies.
2. Public participation/involvement: Create opportunities for public participation in stormwater program development and implementation. Examples could include citizen representatives on stormwater boards, holding public hearings, and creating volunteer opportunities.
3. lllicit discharge detection and elimination: Design methods to examine stormwater systems for illicit connections and discharges. IEPA will require maps of stormwater sewer systems, ordinances prohibiting illicit discharges, a detection plan, and an educational component to inform the public of the hazards associated with illicit discharges.
4. Construction site runoff control: Develop programs to improve and manage runoff from construction sites of 1 acre or greater.
5. Post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment: Design strategies to improve and manage runoff from new developments. Specifically, permitees will create mechanisms to implement structural and vegetative Best Management Practices (BMPs), develop ordinances addressing post-construction runoff, address the maintenance of installed BMPs, and account for water quality in post-construction runoff.
6. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping of municipal operations: Permit holders will develop and implement a program, including training, with the goal of preventing or reducing stormwater from municipal operations.