Purpose: In 1974 the RTA was created upon approval of a referendum in the northeastern Illinois region of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties. The RTA is considered a special purpose unit of local government and a municipal corporation of the State of Illinois. Initially, the RTA provided financial assistance to existing public transit operators. As the need for public transportation increased, the RTA's role expanded to include the acquisition and operation of public transportation carriers as well as contracting to provide service.
Contact: Audrey Maclennan
Phone #: (312) 913-3219
Fax #:
Email: n/a
Composition: Fifteen directors are appointed from within the six-county region: five from the Mayor of the City of Chicago; four by the suburban members of the Cook County Board; one director is appointed by the President of the Cook County Board (from Suburban Cook County); and one director each is from DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties who is appointed by the Chairman of their respective county board. The Chairman of the Board, its 16thmember, is elected by at least 11 of the 15 appointed members, with at least 2 affirmative votes from directors who reside in the city of Chicago, at least 2 affirmative votes from directors who reside in Cook County outside of the City of Chicago, and at least 2 affirmative votes from among the directors who reside in the Counties of DuPage, Lake, Will, Kane or McHenry.
Meeting Date/Time: RTA Board of Directors: 9:30am Location: RTA Administrative Office 175 W. Jackson Blvd - Suite 1650 in Chicago
Compensation: $25,000.00 Annually
Web Page:
Notes: http://www.rtachicago.com/meetings/rta-board-meeting-dates-and-agendas-for-2011.html