Purpose: The purpose of fire protection district is to engage in the acquisition, establishment, maintenance and operation of fire stations, facilities, vehicles, apparatus and equipment for the prevention, control of fire, and the underwater recovery of drowning victims, provide as nearly adequate protection from fire for lives and property within the districts as possible and regulate the prevention and control of fire therein.

Authority: 70 ILCS 705

Contact: William Weber

Phone #: (815) 207-9888

Fax #:

Email: n/a

Composition: (70 ILCS 705/4) - Sec. 4.01 Five member boards. (a) Any appointed board of trustees of a fire protection district may provide for the establishment of a 5-member board of trustees by adopting an ordinance to that effect. An appointed board of trustees shall also be increased to a 5-member board upon the adoption of a proposition to increase the board as provided in subsection (b) of this Section. When such an ordinance or proposition has been adopted, the appropriate appointing authority shall, within 60 days of the date of the adoption of the ordinance or proposition, appoint 2 additional trustees to the board of trustees, one to hold office for 2 years and one to hold office for 3 years from the first Monday of May next after their appointment and until their successors are appointed and have qualified. The lengths of the terms of these 2 additional members shall be determined by lot at the first meeting of the board of trustees held after the 2 additional members take office. The 3 trustees already holding office in the district shall continue to hold office for the remainder of their respective terms. Thereafter, on or before the second Monday in April of each year the appropriate appointing authority shall appoint one trustee or 2 trustees, as shall be necessary to maintain a 5-member board of trustees, whose terms shall be for 3 years commencing the first Monday in May of the year in which they are respectively appointed.

Meeting Date/Time: 3rd Monday every month at 6:00pm Manhattan Fire Station 100 Park Rd. in Manhattan

Compensation: $2,250.00 annually

Web Page:



Name  Term Ends  Position
Robert Davis   5/3/27   Trustee
Lawrence Goodwin   5/4/26   Treasurer
William Moncrief   5/4/26   President
William Osborne   5/4/26   Trustee
William Weber   5/4/26   Secretary
Brian Hupe   5/5/25   Trustee
Nicholas Kotchou   5/5/25   Trustee