Purpose: To facilitate and promote the utilization of property formerly occupied and used by the United States government as an ammunition plant and arsenal and to replace and enhance the economic benefitsgenerated by those former uses with diversified projects and land uses that will create new job opportunities and foster new economic development within the area.

Authority: 70 ILCS 508/15

Contact: Rick Kwasneski

Phone #: (815) 630-2800

Fax #:

Email: info@jada.org

Composition: This board is now a ten-member organization. Six appointments are made by the Will County Executive, and four appointments by the Governor of Illinois. The five communities around the JADA region (Manhattan, Symerton, Wilmington, Joliet, Elwood and one an at-large resident of Will County) footprint each have one seat that is appointed by Will County. Each community is to recommend three names to the Will County Executive who then forward the nominee to the Will County Board for approval.

Meeting Date/Time: As needed basis- Location: JADA Office 3180 Theodore St., Suite 103, Joliet

Compensation: None

Web Page:

Notes: www.jada.org


Name  Term Ends  Position
Tim Brophy   1/1/25   Chairman- City of Joliet
Roy Strong   1/1/25   Director- City of Wilmington
Mike Adrieansen   1/18/27   Director- Village of Manhattan
Eli Geiss   1/18/27   Director- Village of Symerton
Doug Jenco   1/18/27   Director- Village of Elwood
Elaine Bottomley   1/20/25   Director- County of Will