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Will County hosts visit from Illinois Realtors Association
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Will County hosts visit from Illinois Realtors Association

Will County officials on Tuesday hosted a group of 50 members of the Illinois Realtors Association. The event was an exchange of information between a number of county offices, including the County Executive, the County Board, the Supervisor of Assessments, the Recorder of Deeds, the County Treasurer, and the Circuit Courts.

“This was an important event to connect county government with local business,” said Will County Executive Larry Walsh. “Our local realtors are, in essence, selling the attributes of Will County to the public who wish to do business or live here. We are proud to work with the Illinois Realtors Association to show the great services available in Will County. We hope to have more events like this in the future.”

The day began with a welcome and thank you from Walsh to the realtors. He explained how his office manages the day to day operations of county government. Chuck Maher, Will County Board Majority Leader, spoke to the realtors about the role of the county board, as the legislative body, in shaping policy in Will County.

“This was a very positive event, having the realtors get a better understanding of how county government interacts with their profession,” Maher said. “It also helps us, as policy makers, to see the impact of those policies on their industry and the constituents we both serve.”

Rhonda Novak, Supervisor of Assessments, shared updates about her office’s website. She said many of the important documents realtors need are available online. Karen Stukel, Recorder of Deeds, explained the duties of her office and how her office can assist the realtors. Brian McDaniel, from County Treasurer Steve Weber’s office, described the office’s role in the tax process.

The group also visited the Circuit Courts and heard from Chief Judge Richard Schoenstedt.
He explained the courts’ function in real estate transactions and the foreclosure process.

Gideon Blustein, local government affairs director of the Illinois Realtors Association, said he appreciated the support from Will County on this event. He said the exchange of information is very important to the association members.

“Will County officials have traditionally been supportive of our association and its members,” Blustein said. “Giving our members an opportunity to meet our officials and ask questions will have a direct effect on our future success. When communities are cooperative and strong, everyone has the chance to be successful.”

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